On Wednesday, November 28th, I woke up at exactly 4:11 a.m. to a really strong contraction. After all the crazy contractions I'd had, I was REALLY hopeful that I was in labor. I got up and got in the shower to see what would happen. Well, they just kept getting stronger and stronger. They were about 5 minutes apart. Around 5 a.m., I woke Mike up and told him we better get ready to go to the hospital. I wanted to wait another hour or so to make sure this was it. I wasn't getting sent home.
The day before I had been to the doctor. I was about 4, almost 5 cm dilated and 80% effaced. The doctor told me that once I went into labor it would probably be fast. I was excited about that. But I wasn't holding my breath either. My other labors have been on the slow side.
Mike jumped in the shower. I started making the boys' lunches. The contractions were so painful and strong. I started wondering WHY IS MIKE TAKING SO LONG IN THE SHOWER!! Which is funny, since I told him to go ahead and take a shower. I knew it was time. The kids came downstairs and were being so grumpy and taking FOREVER to get dressed. In the middle of a contraction, I yelled at them "GET DRESSED NOWWW!!"
We hurried and dropped the kids off. We dropped them off about 6 a.m. and they were pretty much ready for school that day! Perfect timing!
We drove quickly to the hospital. I started dreading the whole triage process. The contractions were picking up and not fun at all. I was frustrated and didn't want to prove I was in labor. I just wanted to be admitted and have an epidural right away. The pain was so intense! I couldn't imagine doing it for a few more hours.
Well, they monitored me for about 10 minutes and checked me. I was 8 cm!!! The farthest I have ever been when arriving at the hospital. So very far along. At that point, being my 4th baby, they admitted me right away. We had to wait about 20 minutes and then the epidural came. I was so relieved because the contractions were so strong at that point. It took about 3 contractions for the epidural to take effect. But I knew mentally with each one it would get easier. It was such a relief.
Then, we just waited for him to come! I think the epidural slowed things down. But it was okay!! They wanted me to get another dose of antibiotics before I delivered if possible. But I had to wait another 4 hours before having them. If I didn't have to wait for the meds, they would have broken my water and I would have had him right away. It was kind of frustrating. But, eventually, Dr. Tamanaha broke my water, so we didn't have to wait for 4 hours. (more like just 3).
I was so relieved that this coach was able to make it to the delivery. I am so glad he wasn't in Dallas. I don't know what I would have done without him! He gives the best massages during labor. I don't know how he knew what would help, but I couldn't have done the contractions without him. Love you, babe! So glad I got to share this experience with you.

One of my best friends, Maddy, has always wanted to see a birth. So I told her she could come to mine as long as she promised we could still be friends after :) Well, what do you know, she showed up in her BYU shirt! Ha-Ha. I told her Kallen was going to try and squirt her during delivery. (He actually did - ha). I was excited she was able to come. She has so much energy and always knows how to lift my spirits and keep me entertained. She brought a bag of magazines and other goodies. And, how sweet, some celebration oreos for after delivery!! I think I might have traumatized her. Not sure if she ever wants to see a live birth again, but it was a pleasure having her there. And she took some really great pictures!!
Okay, almost time to push. I think this is when Dr. Tamanaha broke my bag of waters. Then everything happened so fast. I was so glad, only about 4 pushes and our sweet little baby was here!!!

Baby Kallen
Born at 10:18 a.m.
My sweet little baby. It took my breath away when they set him on my chest. He seemed so tiny. Tinier than I was expecting. I kept looking at his cute little round face and couldn't get over how cute I thought he was. And lots of dark hair. He reminded me of Daven. I also couldn't get over how much vernix he had. He was covered in it. I was worried for a minute maybe he was earlier than we thought. But the Doctor reassured me that sometimes baby's hold onto their vernix and it was okay.
I have to say it worked out perfect because Dr. Tamanaha happened to be the in-house doc that day. I wanted him to delivery my last baby. He is so great and reassuring for me.
My beautiful baby boy! Look at all that dark hair!
Kallen weighed in at 7.0 lbs.
He was 19 inches long.
I love, love, love this picture. What a proud daddy!!
Aunt Maddy ;)
Kallen after his first bath.
All the kids came later that afternoon. They were instantly in love and couldn't wait to hold baby brother.
Logan is just looking so handsome in this picture.
Another cute tongue kiss caught on camera :)
Another one of my favorites!
I am the luckiest mommy in the whole world.
I was so relieved that everything looked healthy with Kallen and that we got to go home together. I couldn't wait to get out of the hospital. It is so impossible to rest there. It was wonderful to bring our sweet little baby home. I love you, Kallen!! We are so glad you have joined our family.
I just keep thinking about how he was inside me just a few short weeks ago. I am trying to remember what it felt like to have him inside of me. All of his kicks and movements. He was a pretty busy guy in there. We loved that he was facing forward toward the end of the pregnancy. With every kick we could feel his little body parts - especially his knees and feet. He loved to play with Mike, too. I don't ever want to forget what that felt like. I am so sad that this will probably be my last baby. It amazes me more with each child the miracle of birth. It is so almost magical. It is hard to put it into words. There are these powerful feelings you only experience with the birth of a child. Wonder, Joy....I will miss those amazing feelings and being able to experience bringing a new child into the world. But I am so grateful to be the mother of four wonderful, beautiful children. I feel so, so lucky. Thank you Heavenly Father for these little miracles and for letting them be a part of my life.