When Kallen was 4 months & 1 week old, I started feeding him oatmeal. The plan was to wait until he was 5ish months, but this kid was HUNGRY! He just wanted to eat almost every 2 hours toward the end of the day, so I thought I would give solids a try. Well, he LOVED it! And he doesn't like it runny. He likes thick, mushy oatmeal.
Never had a baby so talented with the spoon. The food just stays in there. I think he was ready.
He is so happy when he eats. He just kicks his legs and squeals the whole time. My pediatrician said maybe that is why he was such a bad nurser, he just wanted some real stuff :)
Well, here were are and he is now 5 months old. He has started acting super hungry in the morning, too. So I started oatmeal and applesauce 2 days ago and he just LOVES it. I think I am due for a good eater. Here's hoping!
Here's Kallen in touch-down position. As a newborn, he always slept with his arms above his head. It is so cute. He has stopped doing it all the time, but I don't want to forget. We always said he was making touch-downs in his dreams.
Kallen's "Everything's Cool" face. He is so interested in his surroundings. He loves to observe the world around him. He is fascinated with everything right now. But especially lights. He likes to walk around looking up all the time and studying them everywhere we go:)
Kallen's "I'm About to Get Excited" face. This look means he is about to start kicking his legs and possibly squeal in excitement. He's happy!!! Watch out for some major cuteness.
Kallen's "Super Smiley" face. We see this one a lot. We call him our smiley guy. He is always grinning at us and dishing out the love. He makes you smile just being around him.
Kallen's "MMM" face. Usually accompanied by some kicking. I feel like the words are inside of him, they just are stuck there and he can't get them out. We've heard him talk a few times. It has caught me off guard. He's been caught saying "ba-ba" "ma-ma" "eat" and "go - bed" But then we never hear them again, so maybe it's just our imagination. But we know he tries to tell us things with his eyes and all those kicks.
We don't see this very often but this is the MAD face. Put that Ba-ba in his mouth ;) RIGHT. NOW!!
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