Sunday, December 14, 2008

Comment of the Day

So today, Mike and I were doing the dishes after dinner. Mike asked the boys, "Do you want to watch Mr. Kreugger's Christmas tonight?"

Daven replied, "But, we can't watch that, we don't like Cougars, right, daddy?"

Ha, ha. I guess the brainwashing has already begun. Well, actually, I think deep down, Daven is a die-hard Utes fan. But, Mike was pretty proud at this moment.

1 comment:

Maddy said...

Boooooooooooo! The other day we saw someone in a Utes sweatshirt and Ellie shouted, "GO COUGARS!" But then we remembered their dismal performance and we were embarrassed ;p

Also, one time I pulled up behind a car with a Utah Utes plate and for one small moment I thought about hitting him. But I think I was in a really bad mood at the time.