Monday, August 3, 2009

Daven's a Kindergartener!

Daven started Kindergarten 1 week ago. I am happy to report that his first week was a success. His teacher is Miss Keegan. We are on a modified year-round schedule here, that is why school has already started. They do 8 weeks of school, then get a 2 week break. I am really excited that he is in school already. It is so hot here that most of the kiddos were starting to feel couped up. I am looking forward to 2 weeks off in October, December and March when the weather is much nicer!!

I can't believe he is in Kindergarten. He was so excited to go. I did some crying the week before. I was so sad to think of him being so grown up now. Even Mike got a little choked up the night before. But, when the morning of came, I was surprised at how un-sad I was. But, I have to say my stomach was in knots for him! I don't think he was nervous but I sure was. We were driving to school and I was clenching the door handle. Mike just laughed and said, "You know, your son is not even nervous."

He was so happy to go. Mike and I drove him to school. We got to the kindergarten door. I got out of the car. He gave me the FASTEST KISS and HUG EVER. He ran through the door. He didn't even look back. So how could I cry? I ended up feeling really happy for him. He had a good first day.

I'm loving all the random tid-bits of info he gives me. If I don't ask for more information, I would seriously wonder what kind of school he is going to. It is hillarious sometimes. 
Here is the low-down on his 1st week according to him:

Day 1: "We didn't have time to eat lunch."
            Translation: I didn't eat my lunch fast enough :) He finished it in the car on the way home.

Day 2: "We didn't get to go to recess."
            Luckily, I probed for more information. I guess it was too hot to go outside. Yes, it was 115 degrees that day. So, I was glad they stayed in. I guess they got to watch a movie in Miss DeHart's room. Phew!

Day 3: "Jimmy is in my class."
           I had no clue who Jimmy was. But, apparently he colored all over his desk with crayons. He didn't get in trouble because the teacher didn't see it. Hmmm, very interesting.

Day 4: "I played patty-cake games with RAMONE."
           I have no clue what patty-cake games are.

Day 5: "They only had chocolate milk for lunch."
           What kind of school is this? This was the day he had hot lunch. I'm hoping they were just out of regular milk. He decided on a juice box.

Day 6: "Mom, our school went on Lock-down. We have to go into Miss DeHart's room."
           How scary does that sound?? I guess they had a drill. But he continued to tell me that it was for sure really going to happen. They would have to stay in her room until they told them they could go. I certainly hope not.

            "I lick my hand-sanitizer with Nicholas." We had a discussion about why you shouldn't like your hand sanitizer off. It sounds like he is having fun to say the least.

Way to go, Daven! You are growing up & I am so proud of you. You are such a good boy.


Kathleen said...

i love those one liners! licking hand sanitizer has to be my favorite though. little boys! and i love the name daven i keep trying to convince kyle that if it is a boy we should name him daven. i'll wear him down!

Molly said...

He is so cute, I can't believe how grown up he is. It's amazing how they just become their own little person with no fear and how well they make friends isn't it? I love the stories of the first week. I remember those kind of stories with Hayden, good thing you wrote them down, I didn't!

Maddy said...

Oh yes, all the weird "facts" they come home from school with. My neighbor is in Miss DeHarts class. She's pretty cute!

Can't believe he's so big. I will be a big sobbing mess next year. As will Nate, I'm sure!

Jenni said...

Way to go Daven!!! What a cute kindergartener. He is going to do great! I love those sayings. And could Avery stop being so dang cute???

AZ Hey-mon said...

Wow I can't believe Daven taught Nicholas to lick the sanitizer! LOL! Crackin me up!

jacque said...

Love all the translations of a great first week of school. I am still in shock that Daven is old enough to be in school!

Nick and Erica Hart said...

Ramone is a pretty classic name. :) And that he tells you these one-liners that make you think, "what?" haha--the hand sanitizer is classic. :) He is getting so big and it sounds like he is loving school!

Karen Budd said...

Okay, Rickie! WARNING: So far, school sounds great except the sanitizer licking thing. That really is dangerous. Tell him I said to stop. :) It's almost pure alcohol. By 4th grade, naughty kids do it on purpose! Here's my funny story about elementary school boys communicating about their day. We were living in Oklahoma and the bus was almost 40 minutes late coming home. The neighborhood ladies were all a little frantic, but no one would answer at the school. When the kids got home I started the interrogation. "How was school?" Not much of a response. "Did anything exciting happen?" Apparently nothing out of the ordinary. I figured they must have had a substitute driver and had gotten lost. My friend (mother of two daughters)called and said, "Are the boys okay?" It turned out the girls informed her that something exciting HAD happened at school. They were on the busses when a tornado approached. They all had to scurry back inside, go immediately to the bathrooms, crouch on the floors and put their backpacks over their heads. :) I guess being the mother of a son spares you from a lot of drama. :)