Sunday, April 1, 2012

A Max and Ruby Birthday

Avery decided she wanted a Max and Ruby birthday party this year! Well, more like I talked her into it. It has turned into one of her favorite shows. And I love it, too. The humor is adorable. But it is not a super commercialized show like Dora, etc. I couldn't find a cake pan or anything like that. So I scoured the Internet and found a picture of a cute cake. Oh my!! I got in way over my head. Everything turned out so cute until I had to draw the bunnies FREEHAND out of frosting.
Here is the finished cake.
These are the cute girls at the party. Sweet Kade & Dayne didn't want to pose for the picture. Mike and I couldn't believe how calm the party seemed. I guess we are used to rambunxious little boy parties. The girls all sat down and very quietly worked on things. It was really cute.
I got the idea on the Internet to read Max's Chocolate Chicken. In the book, the person that finds the most eggs is supposed to win a Chocolate Chicken. So we did an egg hunt. The kids that found the most eggs got a chocolate bunny. Thank goodness they have Easter stuff out around Avery's birthday. The kids were so cute looking for all of their eggs!!

And sneaking a little chocolate!

She had such a fun party!! Thanks to all her sweet, cute friends for coming!!

1 comment:

Kathleen said...

This is the cutest birthday party and Avery is such a little doll!! I love all those cute little girls learning how to party! The cake is amazing!