Monday, April 20, 2009

For Grandma's

Both Grandma's keep telling me that they check the blog for pics of Avery to see how she is doing. So, I know I promised to keep posting pictures of her every week. I'm under strict orders to keep her little until the next time they can see her. I am really trying my best.....
Easter Bunny came to our house. Logan informed us that the Easter Bunny can open the Garage. Not sure where that came from, but glad he figured out how to get into our house.
After finding eggs and baskets, we headed off to church. The boys got recycled outfits from last year, but in this economy, I figured they would be perfect, especially since they still fit. And, you know what? The didn't even remember that this is what they wore last year, so it was perfect. I don't think little boys really care about getting all dressed up for Easter. PHEW!
Daven just seems so much more grown up this year, though. He has really become more independent/responsible. Look at how tall he is getting.
And, my sweet little Avery.

These were taken yesterday. She grew out of her 0 - 3 month clothes this week. They were either too tight, or getting rather immodest around the neck-line. It seems like 2 weeks ago I had a baby, not 2 months ago.
But, oh I love her and just can't get enough. This outfit is so adorable. But I was thinking, I don't think any of us grown-ups could pull something like this off. We would look ridiculous, but she looks so darn cute!!


Kathleen said...

she looks more and more like you every time i see her!!

staci said...

She is so darling (so are the boys too - but there is just something about a little girl). I bet you are having such fun dressing her up and putting bows in her hair (or on her head). She is just precious. Yay for little girls!! :)

Heather K said...

Rickie-You have such a cute little family! We miss you guys a lot and relish in those good ol' days of Carriage Crossing! You're a great mom and wife! I'm so glad we are friends!

jacque said...

I can't believe how much she has grown up already. She doesn't look like a newborn anymore. :( Love the brown and pink outfit.