Let the Party Begin! But....wait....there's MURDER involved!
Meet our characters: Detective Neville "the Knows" Nutella and Donna Wannabe
I hang around with movie stars. My brother, Don Wannabe doesn't approve of my friends but gives me my allowance. Someday, I'll be on the big screen, hopefully playing Scarlet! The cigarette is fake, by the way. I had to wear bright red lipstick. I learned that it is hard to wear, it gets on Everything!
The party was so much fun. The funnest part was getting dressed up & seeing everyone else's costumes. We got most of our things at Savers and a costume store. I totally want to do it again. I wasn't the murderer, nor was Mike. I don't have a picture of Michelle, the murderer. But, she stole my pearls and I'm still mad about it :) We had a blast!
The Sherlock Holmes Pipe.
We were encouraged to bribe, kill, blackmail...whatever it took. What a gang. We said next time, we are going to go bowling or something after, just to see what people think! It was such a fun night!